• Ralphy Vargas
    Ralphy Vargas:
    My friends from high school came down from college and we had a little thanksgiving meal to celebrate thanksgiving among friends.
    • December 28, 2015
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  • Ralphy Vargas
    Ralphy Vargas:
    Messy week 3
    Just another one of those weeks.
    • December 28, 2015
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  • Ralphy Vargas
    Ralphy Vargas:
    Messy week 2
    This is just another vlog from one of those messy weeks.
    • December 28, 2015
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  • Ralphy Vargas
    Ralphy Vargas:
    Freddy Krueger Makeup Tutorial
    Hey guys just to let you know this video means a lot to me Wes Craven was such a great director and I love his movies so much. Materials: Liquid latex Cotton balls Single ply toilet paper Face paint Foam brush (That you will never need ever again...
    • October 29, 2015
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  • Ralphy Vargas
    Ralphy Vargas:
    Riding 'Round with Ralphy
    Come spend some time with me in my car
    • October 28, 2015
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  • Ralphy Vargas
    Ralphy Vargas:
    The beanboozled challange
    Hey y'all I hope you guys enjoy this video it took a while to finally get this video together but nevertheless if you get the opportunity to do this challenge Join the family: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Twitter: https://twitter.com/r...
    • October 26, 2015
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